Indoor Shooting Range Vs Outdoor Shooting Range

Outdoor vs Indoor Shooting Ranges: Which One is Best for You?

Whether you’re a veteran shooter and have experience with different types of firearms or it’s your very first time at a shooting range, you have a choice between the two basic types of shooting ranges: indoor and outdoor. There are several distinct pros and cons to both types of shooting ranges and, depending on your…

A Photo From The First Thanksgiving.

Firearms During the First Thanksgiving

The feast enjoyed on the first Thanksgiving didn’t hunt itself! The Pilgrims had to forage and hunt before setting the table. Here’s a list of the firearms used during the First Thanksgiving. Imagine the feeling of stepping off a 100-foot-long wooden ship onto the virgin shores of Plymouth, Massachusetts, as the first colonial settlers. They…


Most Popular Firearms Throughout the States

Certainly, every gun enthusiast has their favorite firearm, but what about each state?  Just as the most popular firearms vary from person to person, iconic guns also vary from state to state. Did you know that eight of the fifty states actually have an Official State Firearm? In fact, Utah legislature became the first to name…

Eye And Ear Protection

Everything You Need to Know About Gun Protection Accessories

Proper vision and hearing protection is always necessary when shooting any sort of firearm – are you using the right gear to protect your eyes and ears? Whether you spend the majority of your time at the range punching paper targets, sniping at steel gongs set out hundreds of yards away, moving with tactical precision…


The Benefits of Gun Ownership

Owning a gun, learning to shoot it effectively, maintaining gun responsibility, and spending time at the range can be incredibly rewarding. You’ve purchased your new firearm, taken the required safety classes, and you’re ready to work your way through a bevy of advanced training courses that will make you an even more confident shooter. Book…

Smart Gun Tech

How Gun Owners Feel About the Possible Future of Smart Gun Technology

It might sound great on paper, but is Smart Gun technology likely to be adopted by America’s gun owners? The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms is one that has been fought over and debated about for decades. It only makes sense that any change in the world of firearms will be approached…

James Bond

Channel Your Inner James Bond

Bond movies are beloved by gun enthusiasts from around the world. The intro even features a “glimpse down a gun barrel” motif before the opening credits as each movie kicks off. It’s only fitting that we take a look at the memorable weapons used by Bond and his enemies throughout the last 55 years of…