How to Get a Concealed Carry Permit in Nevada

Adults, including non-residents, who are at least 21 years old, or 18 or older if on active military duty or honorably discharged, and who meet the requirements set forth in NRS 202.3653-202.369 are eligible to apply for a Nevada Concealed Firearms Permit (often referred to as a CCW Permit, Concealed Carry License, or Concealed Carry Permit). Nevada is known as a “shall-issue” state, meaning if you meet the requirements, you will receive your permit. With a Nevada Concealed Firearms Permit, a person can legally carry a concealed firearm in most places in Nevada.
If you’re interested in applying for a CCW permit, here’s a deeper dive into what the Nevada requirements are and how a professional firearm safety course in Las Vegas can help.
What Defines a Concealed Firearm in Nevada?
According to Nevada state law, the definition of a concealed firearm1 is a loaded or unloaded handgun carried upon a person in such a manner as not to be discernible by ordinary observation. In layman’s terms, a firearm is considered concealed in Nevada if any part of the firearm or holster is tucked out of view.
Examples of this could be a handgun hidden in a person’s backpack or purse, under an article of clothing, or tucked into a waistband — even if the grip is exposed. If you do not have a concealed carry permit, it is a felony to carry a concealed firearm in Nevada. Don’t make the mistake of carrying your handgun without a permit when the consequences could be serious and in more ways than one.
What Are the Requirements for a Nevada CCW Permit?
If you’re considering applying for a CCW permit, make sure you look at all the requirements first to see if you qualify. The minimum requirements to obtain a concealed carry permit in Nevada include the following:
- You must be at least 21 years old, or 18 if in the U.S. Military or have been honorably discharged
- Must have valid state ID, Real ID, or driver’s license issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) with current address
- Complete a firearm safety course approved by the Nevada Sheriffs’ and Chiefs’ Association
- Initial Permit: 8-Hour In-Person Class – Must Include Live Fire Qualification
- Renewal Permit: 4-Hour In-Person Class – Must Include Live Fire Qualification
- Must be able to possess a firearm legally
In addition to the above, there are automatic disqualifiers different from the Nevada and federal requirements to legally possess a firearm, listed below.
Why Would a CCW Application Be Denied?
There are several reasons why a Nevada concealed firearm permit would be denied or revoked. As you can imagine, a thorough background check and investigation is conducted during the application process. The automatic disqualifiers in Nevada are:
- You have an outstanding warrant for your arrest
- You have been declared mentally incompetent or unfit by a judge
- Voluntary or involuntary admission to an inpatient mental health facility within the last five years
- You are a habitual user of controlled drugs or intoxicating liquor
- For purposes of a Nevada CCW Permit, this means a DUI conviction or successful application for a medical marijuana license in the last 5 years
- A misdemeanor conviction for a crime involving the use or threatened use of force in the last 3 years
- Any felony conviction
- Any domestic violence or stalking conviction
- Currently subject to a restraining order, injunction, or other order for protection against domestic violence
- Currently subject to an emergency or extended order for protection against high-risk behavior (such as a psych hold) defined in NRS 33.570 and NRS 33.580
- Currently on parole or probation
- Are subject to a conditional court order withholding the entry of judgment for a felony conviction or suspending the sentence for a felony conviction within the last 5 years
- A dishonorable discharge from the Armed Forces of the United States
- False statement on any initial application or renewal application for a Nevada Concealed Firearms Permit
If any of these conditions apply to you, you are not eligible for a Nevada concealed firearm permit, and your application will be denied.
Firearm Safety Course Requirement
Completing an approved safety course is the most crucial step in the process of qualifying for a Nevada CCW permit. The state wants to make sure you understand the laws governing the carrying and use of firearms in Nevada and that a certified shooting instructor is confident in your firearm skills and safety knowledge. You should also feel confident and comfortable using your handgun in order for the instructor to sign off on the completion of your course.
To meet the training requirement in Nevada, you must complete a course offered by one of these approved entities:
- Instructor approved by a Nevada Sheriff
- Federal, state, or local law enforcement agency
- Community college or university
- A professional organization that certifies firearm safety instructors
- Includes instruction in the use of handguns and the laws of Nevada that relate to the use of firearms
- Meets standards approved by the Nevada Sheriffs’ and Chiefs’ Association
In other words, just because your cousin or that friend-of-a-friend happens to know a lot about guns doesn’t qualify them to teach a safety course! When you apply for a CCW permit, you will need to present official documentation that a certified course was completed.
The Range 702 offers Nevada Sheriff approved CCW Permit classes, and we provide everything you need in order to apply for your Nevada concealed firearm permit.
Nevada CCW Permit Application Process
The application process for a Nevada Concealed Firearms Permit is the same for residents and non-residents. While it may seem daunting, it’s fairly straightforward, and if you take your CCW class at The Range 702, we make the process even easier for you by supplying all the paperwork you’ll need to apply successfully.
1. Ensure You Meet The Nevada CCW Qualifications
This may seem simple, but the requirements for the Nevada Concealed Firearms Permit are more strict than the requirements to legally possess a firearm. Review the requirements listed above, as there is a cost in both time and money in applying, and you don’t want to go through the process if you don’t meet the requirements.
2. Complete Your Firearms Safety Course
Find an approved CCW class and successfully complete the course. Make sure you get a signed copy of the completion certificate, as you’ll need this when you apply. The class must meet the standards set by the Nevada Sheriffs’ and Chiefs’ Association and be approved by a Sheriff in the state of Nevada.
The CCW classes offered by The Range 702 are certified and fulfill this requirement for your application.
3. Submit your Application and Documents
For Nevada residents, Concealed Firearms Permits are processed and issued by the Sheriff of the county you reside in. For non-residents, please check with the Sheriff’s office of the county you wish to apply in — most require applying for a Concealed Firearms Permit in the county where you completed your Nevada firearms safety course.
If you live in Clark County (Las Vegas, Henderson, North Las Vegas, Laughlin, etc.), the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) handles CCW applications. They offer two submission options:
- eCCW Online Submission
- In-person paper application
If you submit your application online, once it’s accepted, you’ll be sent a link to pay the application fees and schedule an appointment for the next steps.
If you choose to submit via paper application in person, you’ll need to schedule an appointment yourself.
There are fees to apply for your Nevada Concealed Firearms Permit:
- New application + FBI background check: $100.25
- Renewal Application + FBI background check: $65.25
- Late Renewal (up to 364 days) + FBI background check: $80.25
4. Have Your Fingerprints & Photo Taken
For Clark County applicants, this must be done in person at the LVMPD headquarters. For other counties, please check with your county Sheriff’s office.
All Clark County applicants (eCCW & paper) must bring their original Certification of Completion and Firearms Proficiency Certificate from their approved firearms safety course. It must be dated within 1 year of your appointment. All applicants must also bring their identification document(s) used for their application. Paper applicants must bring their paper application.
Once these documents have been checked, applicants will be digitally fingerprinted and have their photos taken. Additional fingerprint cards are available for $18 (first) and $2 (second).
5. Wait for a Response
By law, CCW permit applications in Nevada must be processed within 120 days of submission. This is considered to be when your electronic fingerprints are submitted. You will be notified in writing if your application is denied, along with the reason. If approved, your Nevada Concealed Firearms Permit will be mailed to you.
If you have not received a written denial or your permit after 120 days (from the date you submitted your fingerprints), contact the Sheriff’s office where you applied.
How Long Does it Take to Get My Nevada CCW Permit?
Wait times vary, and depend on lots of factors – things such as sharing a name with someone who would be disqualified to have a CCW can delay you while your background is checked. We typically advise applicants to be prepared to wait for at least 90 days to receive their permit. While there’s a good chance you will receive your permit faster, there is not a predictable pattern to approvals that we’ve been able to discern.
Concealed Carry Permit Classes at The Range 702
If you’re in Las Vegas and are looking for a professional concealed permit class, the experienced instructors at The Range 702 have you covered. Offering in-depth instruction and hands-on guidance, you’ll learn to shoot from your holster, shoot from the hip, shoot on the move, shoot from different distances, and shoot with your dominant hand and your supported non-dominant hand.
To learn more about our CCW permit class and how you can register, contact The Range 702 team today! The 8-hour course is also great for groups and team-building if you have friends or co-workers who would like to join.