
The Incredible History of Sig Sauer

SIG Sauer is a namesake synonymous with engineering excellence, consistent and reliable performance, and continual innovation. Here’s the rich history behind how they got started. In 1853, Friedrich Peyer im Hof, Heinrich Moser, and Johann Conrad Neher founded Schweizerische Waggon Fabrik, which translates into Swiss Wagon Factory in English. The group pooled their engineering talents…

Shooting Range

Why You Should Visit a Shooting Range for Summertime Fun

What’s your plan for the rest of the summer? Put away the remote, hop in the car, and visit your local shooting range for some serious high-adrenaline fun and a unique, memorable experience. Here are a few reasons why your summertime fun should include a visit to the shooting range: GET SOCIAL Shooting can be…


Recommissioned Series #1: M48

HISTORY OF THE M48 Following World War II, Yugoslavia and the rest of Eastern Europe prepared itself under the new Communist regime for WWIII. During this time, Yugoslavia didn’t have access to an overflow of cash, so old M24s were refurbished with new barrels and then, stamped with the Yugoslavian crest. The “new” cost-effective rifles,…

Eye And Ear Protection

5 Important Items to Bring to The Shooting Range

Ensuring that your trip to the gun range goes as smoothly as possible means toting along the right items every time. While everyone’s shooting range bag will look a little different than the next, there are a few key components that should be brought along to guarantee a safe and enjoyable shooting experience for all. Here are…

Range Targets

Top 5 Shooting Range Targets

One of the benefits of visiting a full-service gun range in Las Vegas is that you’ll get to try out so many incredible weapons. From the blistering action of the classic M4 carbine, rapid-fire fun of a 9mm pistol, or the resounding thump of a 12-gauge buckshot load, you’ll have the opportunity to sample a variety of…


Exploring the Top 5 Guns Used for Sharpshooting

When assembling a report of the most accurate weapons, namely those used for sharpshooting, you’d think that five heavy-barreled, bolt-action rifles would flush out the list. While bolt-action rifles are generally considered to house the most accurate fundamental gun design, skilled marksmen throughout history have proven that accuracy is only partially attributable to the machine. The shooter…

Top Long-Range Rifle and Pistol Shots

Dating all the way back to establishment of the NRA in 1871, skilled marksmanship throughout history has made continual strides and advancements. Today, new rifle and pistol technologies combined with advanced shooting techniques have enabled some skilled shooters to reach new heights of accuracy at ranges far beyond what was believable just 10 or 15 years ago….