Sig-Tember – the Month to Shoot at Range 702
During the month of September, you’ll see SIG Sauer-related promotions and discounts that can help you shoot more – all for less money. For example, visit Range 702 in September and rent SIG Sauer pistols for FREE. Just purchase rounds to go along with your shooting experience!
You can shoot the compact P238 in venerable .380-caliber, the P938 in 9mm, or any variety of our on-hand SIGs in 9mm. The normal rental fee for a SIG pistol is $15 – so that frees up a lot of extra cash to purchase plenty of rounds for your range session. Once you’ve fired a SIG pistol on the range it is quickly apparent why this firearms maker has built a legend for quality, innovation, and performance. They are truly spectacular weapons.
In addition to the FREE SIG rentals, you’ll also see SIG-branded giveaways for anyone who rents or purchases a SIG firearm (while supplies last). SIG shirts and hats will advertise to the world that you appreciate fine firearms and the shooting sports.
In addition to these fun giveaways, SIG-tember is the perfect time to add a new pistol to your collection. To make this easier, we’ll extend special order, layaway, and financing options on all firearms. Instead of paying for your new SIG all at once, add a little bit at a time to your layaway plan. In no time at all, you’ll have your new pistol in hand, ready to add to your collection.
When visiting Range 702 during SIG-tember, make sure you check out all of the available SIG handguns. For those looking to practice with a pocket-sized pistol, consider the P238. This compact handgun fires the moderately powerful .380 ACP round, which is a highly popular cartridge for self-defense.
A 6 or 7 shot magazine holds plenty of rounds for high volume shooting fun. You can also take a look at the P938, which is a slightly larger version of the P238 that is chambered in 9mm. The 9mm round is powerful, yet comfortable to shoot, and the SIGLITE night sights make indoor range shooting a breeze. There are several other variations of SIG handguns in 9mm to shoot. Consult with your range officer at Range 702 for more information on these guns, and more.
This year, SIG-tember promises to be a month to remember. Visit Range 702 for an experience you’ll never forget. From fully automatic machine gun packages to imaginative, themed shooting experiences, you’ll be happy you made a trip to the range. Happy SIG-tember, everyone!